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Experts on:Key power protection is a part of every industry are indispensable; Kohler generator reliable performance of diesel oil, natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas fuel in various configuration options, you need to provide the power. Diesel generator sets that meet the requirements of the United States Environmental Protection Agency can provide reliable power output that meets the requirements of the output. From the load type of civil and commercial areas to heavy industry, each Kohler generator for providing maximum power, flexibility and performance, fuel efficiency and design.
Main power: 910 kVA (728 kW) Standby power: 1000 kVA (800 kW) Frequency: 50 Hz


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Main power: 910 kVA (728 kW)
Standby power: 1000 kVA (800 kW)
Frequency: 50 Hz
AC generator type: brushless, permanent excitation
Engine cylinder arrangement: 16 cylinder V type arrangement
Controller: DEC 3000 / DEC 550 / DEC6000

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